Today in class we took notes from the power point about Ancient Rome and we also listened to a story about Taurquis the proud. This story was very messed up. It involved a lot of killing for power. His wife had killed his brother and his earlier wife also known as her sister and told Tarquin to take power and over rule her father. Tarquin sat on the throne that is meant for a king. Then he proclaimed to the present king and he said that he was king. Lastly he threw the king down the stairs and mangled him up in the streets and had his guards assassinate him. He had a son that was pretty awful also. he killed his relatives and he forced a girl to have sex with him and if not he would hurt her with giving in, and telling her family she later killed herself.
Today in Western Civilization we took a lot of notes on Charlemagne. Clovis rules the France - Clovis rules the Germanic people of Gaul, known as the Franks ( where France comes from) - In 496 he has a battlefield conversion- he and 3000 of his warriors become christians - The church in Rome like this - By 511 the Franks are united into one kingdom, with Clovis and the church are partners spread of Christianity - Church + Franks = rise of Christanity - In 520, Benedict write rules for monks: - vows of poverty ( live simply) - chastity ( no marital relations) - obedience ( listen to church superiors) - His sister scholastic writes similar rules for nuns - They operate schools maintain libraries, and copy books Pope Gregory 1 and Papal Power Play - Pope Gregory 1 ( Gregory the great) goes secular ( wordly power) - Church revenues are used to help the poor, build roads , and raise armies. - This is theocracy - Gregory spiritual kingdom ( Christendom) extends from Italy, to
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