Today in Western Civilization we took a lot of notes on Charlemagne. 
Clovis rules the France
- Clovis rules the Germanic people of Gaul, known as the Franks ( where France comes from)- In 496 he has a battlefield conversion- he and 3000 of his warriors become christians- The church in Rome like this- By 511 the Franks are united into one kingdom, with Clovis and the church are partners spread of Christianity- Church + Franks = rise of Christanity- In 520, Benedict write rules for monks:    - vows of poverty ( live simply)    - chastity ( no marital relations)    - obedience ( listen to church superiors)- His sister scholastic writes similar rules for nuns- They operate schools maintain libraries, and copy books
Pope Gregory 1 and Papal Power Play- Pope Gregory 1 ( Gregory the great) goes secular ( wordly power)- Church revenues are used to help the poor, build roads , and raise armies.- This is theocracy- Gregory spiritual kingdom ( Christendom) extends from Italy, to England, from Spain to Germany
Who's running Europe?- Clovis rules the Franks in Gaul until his death in 511- Most of the rest of Europe consist of smaller kingdoms ( seven in England alone)- Clovis' descendants include Charles Martel, known as Charles the Hammer - Hammer defeats a Muslim raiding party from Spain at the Battle of Tours in 732 
How do you follow the Hammer?-Charles Martel's son is Pepin the Short-He works with the Church and is named "king by the grace of God” by the Pope
-Pepin the Short dies in 768, leaving two son
-Son #1 Carolman dies in 771 -Son #2 is Charles, known as Charlemagne, meaning Charles the Great -Six feet four inches
Where did Charlemagne come from? Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) - grandfather -lived 688 - 741
-won the crucial Battle of Tours (732), halting Islamic expansion in western Europe Charles Martel's sons:  -Carloman (706 - 754) -retired to become a monk in 747
 -Pepin the Short (714 - 768) -continued to hold the Muslims off
-father of Charlemagne (and Carloman)
What makes Charles so " great " He expanded the Frankish kingdom into an Empire -He fought the Muslims in Spain (to the west
-He conquered Italy (to the south)
-He fought Huns and Magyars (to the east)
-Pope Leo III appreciated his efforts to spread Christianity, and crowned him Imperator Augustus (Emperor) on Christmas Day, 800 Charlemagne Legacy
Renewed emphasis on education and culture -Literature, mathematics, art, architecture
-Book copying and preserving
-Opened a palace school
-Surrounded himself with English, German, Italian and Spanish scholars
- He regularly visited every part of his kingdom - hands-on ruling style
-United most of western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire
After Charlemagne's death in 814-Charlemagne died at age 72, 47 years into his reign
-He named his son Louis the Pious co-emperor before he died
-Louis... not quite the leader his father was; ruled from 814 - 840
-After L the P died, his three sons fought for control
-They divided up the empire at the Treaty of Verdun-Lothair I got the Middle Kingdom (northern Italy, other territories to the north)-Charles the Bald got the Western Kingdom (France


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