A Letter to Garcia

A Message to Garcia is about how to be responsible. It's also about when you are given a task you should do whatever it takes to get it finished. You should complete the task without hesitation and without asking a million questions. While doing tasks you going to face difficulty and you need to know how to work through it and not get frustrated. You need to work hard all your life no matter the costs. Yes, it is very unfair when people do not try or do any work, but your going to have to ignore them. You need to ignore them because they are going to get no where in life and that is their fault. I agree with the author, Elbert Hubbard. I agree because you can see the difference between those who work hard and want to succeed and those who do not care. The people who do care will go far in life in anything I might want to do. On the other hand, the people who don't care will end up staying where they are at this moment. Think about that.

My Five Point Action Plan
In my freshman year at John Carroll I will:

Work my hardest- I am going to work my hardest and give my best effort at John Carroll because my parents are paying for a good education and I am going to utilize that. I am so grateful that my parents let me choose JC and I want to prove that it was the best choice.

Improve- I want to improve not just my grades but everything in and out of school. I am going to improve my grades by improving my studying. Im going to make more time for studying by leaving my phone somewhere while I study. I think this will help a lot because I won't be distracted.

Succeed- Not only am I going to try my best to succeed in my classes but also on the field. I am going to give my all during field hockey and lacrosse practices. I will work with my team to only improve not only myself but the whole team in general.

Focus- I am going to always stay focused in all my classes. I will also stay focused at practice. Doing this will only help me get better

Strive- I will strive to complete all of my goals for this year. I will also strive to complete all of my action plan!


  1. Nice work, Quinn! Your essay on Hubbard was well-written, with only a few spelling errors here and there. Most importantly, you understood what he was trying to convey. 49/50 on the essay.

    I really like your Action Plan. If you can stick to this, you are going to have a fantastic freshman year, both academically and athletically. 50/50 on the Plan, for a total of 99/100 on the whole assignment. Great start!


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