Socrates in class

Today in Human Geography class we identified important key terms and learned about Socrates, his life, and how he died. One of the key terms was agora. Agora is a public open space used for assemblies and markets. It was the center off athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life in a city state. Another word was polis. A city state in Ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes is polis. It is also the origin of the words such as politics, poll, etc. We learned why the year 508 BC was so important. It is so important to the ancient greeks because in that year democracy was introduced in Athens by Cleisthenes. This was the first time in record history that people had revolted against their ruler. Then we learned about Socrates. He was in 470 BC in Athens. Socrates was philosopher, teacher, and the main source of the Western Thought. As a teacher he met with young students in workshops. He taught them by asking them what the thought or felt, this later led to the Scientific Method. However, the way he taught didn’t end well. The way he taught was not okay with others because it made people express how they actually felt. There was a jury of over 500 people because of this. He was found guilty of corrupting the young minds of Athens and of impiety.  In this case, he was sentenced to death. He died from drinking poisonous hemlock.


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