Todays Class

Today in human geo class we took our first test. Our test was on A Message to Garcia, Socrates, and the vocal that went along with it. Personally, I thought this test was easy. I thought the essay would be hard, but it surprisingly wasn’t. One essay was about the quote from socrates “The unexamined life is not worth living”, and how we personally think of this. I think that this is important because it is good to have questions about almost everything. The other essay was about the trial and death of Socrates. I wrote about why he went to trial, what happened during the trial and then how he was poisoned. So all, in all I think it went very well.  Also, Mr. Schick said that if we all get an A on it we get to have a pizza party so hopefully we all did well.


  1. Uh-oh. You posted only one blog out of four this week. Stay on top of the blogs, Quinn!


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