Nero - ruled from 54 to 68 emphasized the arts Claudius- Ruled from AD 41 to AD 54 // suffered from many infirmities: a limp, stammering, shaking slobbering... possibly because of cerebral palsy Caligula. - Ruled from AD 37 to AD 41 (only 4 years!)0// known for his cruelty, extravagance, and perversity - an insane tyrant// assassinated by a group of praetorian guards, Senators, and the im perial court, trying to re-stablish the Republic Tiberius- Ruled from AD 14 to AD 37// an excellent general, but a reluctant emperor// after the death of his son, he exiled himself from Rome and left his prefects in charge Lucius Tarquinias Superbus// the seventh and final king of Rome consuls are elected officials// term of office: one year// always aristocrats (patricians)// patricians traced their descent from a famous ancestor, or pater (“father”)// duties: dealing justice, making law, commanding the army// one consul could veto the other (reducing the power of the individual) pl...