Today in human geo mr schick let the whole class retake the pop quiz from the day before. Im glad he did this because the class all together did not do so well. Once everyone retook the quiz we all felt better about our grades. Most of our grades aren't so great because we don't do the blogs. So this definitely helped. And then for the second part of class we got a project assignment thats due next class. For this project we have to make a google docs about two different countries and their population graphs. We have to also include what the shape is and what it means along with four questions. Doing that you will receive a B. However if you answer the four questions, you could receive an A. My group is me Evelyn and Mary; we are trying for an A because it would really help our grades.
whats on the test ? Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms: -Middle Ages ( 476-1453 ) -3 roots in: classical heritage of Rome, beliefs of Roman Catholic Church -Customs of various Germanic tribes The overrun of the western half of the Roman empire causes: -disruption of trade -downfall of cities -population shifts to rural areas Romance languages are: French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Manor-people were loyal to,the lord, not kingdom. Serfs, Knights, Lords (king, church officials nobles, knights, peasants) Clovis rules Gaul (people known as Franks) works with the Church (511) Rules: -Vows of poverty -Chastity -Obedience What is a combination of religious and military rule? Theocracy Tithes=church taxes used to build roads and raise armies Secular-worldly power Pope Gregory- secular power Charles Martel (the hammer)-defeats the muslims at the battle of Tours in 732 Franks/Charles win Tours-c...
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