
Showing posts from September, 2017


Today in human geo class we finished taking notes on situation. We talked about how you can compare two places like Mississippi and Florida to help someone understand a place better. We talked about how many people know and have been to Florida and few to Mississippi. Since they have FL has the same weather you can describe Florida and it is similar to MS so people will get an idea. We also talked about the hurricanes and the effects on different places. Houston is one of the busiest cities so when the hurricane hit, the flooding happened quicker than in other places because of poor drainage. Houston, New York, Chicago, LA, and other busy cities are like this since its so busy and all concrete. Unlike the busy cities, suburbs and less crowded places will not drain because there is less people and more areas in which to drain rain water. We also talked about how common flooding is in Houston that they don't offer flood insurance so people will have to pay thousands of dollars. This ...


Human geography was second period today. In class we went over the big picture map questions that we did last week. It was easy so I got them right. After that we started talking about Africa and some of the countries. Mr. Schick had said that when he was in school the only time he learned about Africa was they learned about Egypt. Later in class we started talking about Korea and nuclear bombs    If we were to hit Korea with a nuclear bomb the toxins would travel in the wind. Also depending on how big the bomb is it could get to China and kill tons of innocent people and little children. Finally we talked about our thoughts on the Ravens and other football players taking a knee or staying the the locker room during the National Anthem. Mr. Schick pulled a Socrates move once again so we could express our opinions.

todays class

Today was my second day back from being sick, it was my first class of human geo since last week because we did not have class yesterday. In class today we got our tests back! Anyone who got an A got the bell rang and if you got a 100 then you got a double ring! I got a B and I'm okay with that but I will try harder next time.  After that we took notes on Mental Maps. How do you describe where things are? How do you describe your daily routine? A mental map is a persons point of view of their area of interaction. It is most commonly called your activity space. No one has a totally accurate image off the world. After that we got an assignment for drawing maps.

Sick Day

Today I wasn't in school because I was sick. Mr. Schick wants us to still blog, so this is my blog. I will be at school tomorrow.

Todays Class

Today in human geo class we took our first test. Our test was on A Message to Garcia, Socrates, and the vocal that went along with it. Personally, I thought this test was easy. I thought the essay would be hard, but it surprisingly wasn’t. One essay was about the quote from socrates “The unexamined life is not worth living”, and how we personally think of this. I think that this is important because it is good to have questions about almost everything. The other essay was about the trial and death of Socrates. I wrote about why he went to trial, what happened during the trial and then how he was poisoned. So all, in all I think it went very well.  Also, Mr. Schick said that if we all get an A on it we get to have a pizza party so hopefully we all did well.

Socrates in class

Today in Human Geography class we identified important key terms and learned about Socrates, his life, and how he died. One of the key terms was agora. Agora is a public open space used for assemblies and markets. It was the center off athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life in a city state. Another word was polis. A city state in Ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes is polis. It is also the origin of the words such as politics, poll, etc. We learned why the year 508 BC was so important. It is so important to the ancient greeks because in that year democracy was introduced in Athens by Cleisthenes. This was the first time in record history that people had revolted against their ruler. Then we learned about Socrates. He was in 470 BC in Athens. Socrates was philosopher, teacher, and the main source of the Western Thought. As a teacher he met with young students in workshops. He taught them by asking them what the thought or fel...

today's class 9.5.17

Today in class we took a closer look into A Message to Garcia. A Message to Garcia is an inspirational essay written by Elbert Hubbard. It was written in March of 1899 and 40 million copies were sold. A Message to Garcia was translated into 37 languages and made into a film once in 1916 and then once again in 1936. The setting off this was during the Spanish-American War. A Message to Garcia includes Rowan, an army officer, Garcia, a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain, and McKinley, the 25th president of the U.S. McKinley was the U.S President from 1897-1901. He was assassinated 6th months into his 2nd term by an anarchist. In this message it is telling us to take the initiative, and doing what is right without being told to do so. In class we learned about the word arete. Arete is a Greek word that means excellence off any kind. It is the fulfillment of purpose or function but also the act of living up to ones full potential.

A Letter to Garcia

A Message to Garcia  is about how to be responsible. It's also about when you are given a task you should do whatever it takes to get it finished. You should complete the task without hesitation and without asking a million questions. While doing tasks you going to face difficulty and you need to know how to work through it and not get frustrated. You need to work hard all your life no matter the costs. Yes, it is very unfair when people do not try or do any work, but your going to have to ignore them. You need to ignore them because they are going to get no where in life and that is their fault. I agree with the author, Elbert Hubbard. I agree because you can see the difference between those who work hard and want to succeed and those who do not care. The people who do care will go far in life in anything I might want to do. On the other hand, the people who don't care will end up staying where they are at this moment. Think about that. My Five Point Action Plan In my f...