
Showing posts from November, 2017

todays human geo class

today in human geo class we didn't do very much. we went over the test and answered any questions that anyone had. Also in class we talked about the extra credit. I already did the essay in my last blog and I talked to my mom about the money part but she wouldn't let me because I don't have my own  credit card. mr schick told us that our class had the most people that have donated money. the down side of this is the its only five people out of about twenty something. in the past years mr shock said that there were way more. after we went over the quiz we kind of just had a chill class and talked to our friends which was nice to take a break.

todays class

 In Human Geo all we talked about was this extra credit thing we were offered to do. Its all about this website called Kivia. Kivia is a website were you can loan people money to help people and their lives. It is for people all over the world that need help funding things like materials and necessities for there lifestyle, jobs, businesses, or homes. From what I've looked at a lot of people are getting funded for live stock such as chickens, cows, and rams. They also need chicken feed, grains, rice and other materials similar to this. There are categories you can specifically help and specific countries. You could search Mexico and then education, art, food, health, anything you want. And you could help an entire group of people reach their goal with only a loan of twenty five dollars or however much you want to give. And since it is a loan, after the goal is accomplished you will receive you money back.

last nights blog

This is my blog from yesterday because my computer wasn't working last night. So yesterday in the beginning I missed a few mins because I was with the counselor. We had a test yesterday. The first part of the test was on the CIA website. There were fifteen questions that we had to answer in fifteen minutes. there were questions about the energy, the language, the regions, birth and death rate, and population of the world and different countries. I think and hope I did well on the test because it was nit very difficult. There were also questions about three different population pyramids. On the very back of the test there were two bonus questions and I had no idea what so ever what the answers were.
Today in human geo mr schick let the whole class retake the pop quiz from the day before. Im glad he did this because the class all together did not do so well. Once everyone retook the quiz we all felt better about our grades. Most of our grades aren't so great because we don't do the blogs. So this definitely helped. And then for the second part of class we got a project assignment thats due next class. For this project we have to make a google docs about two different countries and their population graphs. We have to also include what the shape is and what it means along with four questions. Doing that you will receive a B. However if you answer the four questions, you could receive an A. My group is me Evelyn and Mary; we are trying for an A because it would really help our grades.

Pop quiz and drill

Today in Human Geography class there was an evacuation drill. Today was not a good day for a evacuation drill because it was super cold outside. The alarm went off and it wasn't very loud in the class room but once you got in the hall it was very loud. Also we were standing outside for a while!  To top that off when we came back from the drill we had a pop quiz. Yay. I really do not like when we have pop quizzes because its just so stressful and for this one especially because we only had ten seconds to answer. I was definitely worried about this because I didn't remember much. However it turned out that I only got three questions wrong. And this also brought my grade up so I'm happy with the outcome of todays human geo class.

my computer died last night

Yesterdays human geo class we were looking at population pyramids for the whole class. We looked at many different places not only in the US but in other countries too. We looked out counties on the other side of the world such as Japan and china, but also Nigeria. From the US we looked at a place in North Carolina. It was an area for a military base and a college town so there was a lot of people in their twenties.  We also looked at Manhattan. Manhattan is a big business area in New York. There are many opportunities in New York for fashion education art business and much more so It would make sense for more people in their twenties and thirties and very few children.

today human geo class

At first today in Human Geography class we talked about Mr. Schick and how he used to work on movies. He had to travel a lot for long periods of time to do this as a job. Doing this made him miss out on a lot of family events. After the we looked over our previous notes for last week. We made sure we had everything that we could possibly need for a test. Since we did this I think our class will be having a test soon. We started new notes on population growth. the are three shapes to help understand, theres a Christmas tree, a box, and a cup. This helps with understanding if the populations life expectancy, and birth rate is high. One thing that all counties have in common is that women have a longer life expectance.