
Showing posts from December, 2017

exam week

today in human geo we did not really do too much. we went over what to expect on the exam there is a lot a questions that I need to review. I have all my notes and and quizzes from the past two quarters.  The things I need to study more are site and location, the prime meridian GPS, and some other things from earlier this year.  Our exam is on Wednesday and Im definitely nervous but I think if I keep studying I will be fine. I have a lot of material to help me study so I hope I do well.


Today in human geography Mr Schick wasn't here so we had a sub. Our sub was Mrs. Howe, she is my advisor. we had to look on mr schicks blog for our assignment. We didn't have too much to do today. We just were told to review and study for our exam next week. I looked over all of my notes, tests and quizzes, powerpoints the website, and previous blogs. We were supposed to have a test on Monday but thankfully he canceled it. Im really happy about this and I'm sure everyone else is too because it would have been supper stressful with all of the exams coming up.


 I was absent today so this is my blog. I hope I don't have too much makeup work to do.