
Showing posts from October, 2017

blog wouldn't work last night

In human geography today we talked about life and life expectancy.  Life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year.  the highest life  expectancy is in  Macro with 89.52 total and 85.63 are men and 93.58 is women. The United States is  number 42 in the world with 79.68 total and 77.32 are men and 81.97 are women. However the lowest life  expectancy is in Chad with  49.81 total and 48.64 are men and 51.03 are women. in class we realized that women in all three of the countries live longer. This is because of many reasons such as military and then risk taking. 

test day

Today in human geography we had our final big test for the quarter. I studied for a while last night, and in our off mod today. I think and hope I did well because our grades close tomorrow. I thought the test wasn't that difficult. There were a few that I got stuck on like the question about GPS, but we didn't learn about that. I wonder if we got it right we get an extra point. There was another one about degrees and the country were it was located but I just took a guess so hopefully it was correct. I felt good about the test so hopefully I did well for our last grade. It's crazy how fast the quarter went by and I can't believe its over.

review for test

Today in human geography class it was a pretty easy and chill class.  we went over our blogs from yesterday that had the questions. we did this so we could get more questions for the test tomorrow. Each student had to come up with one question to contribute; mr schick made a list of all of the main ideas of the questions. We got him to put them up on the board so everyone could take pictures of it so we would know what to expect and study. I think this will really help everyone review. The test tomorrow might be difficult but if we study hard enough I don't think it will be too bad. Hopefully it will be mostly multiple choice because I'm not too good and essay questions. However short answer questions aren't too bad, for me at least.

questions for test

1.  What is globalization ? A process that involves the  entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope.  2.  Why does the US make products in other countries? Other countries can afford to have more workers in factories and not have to pay them.  3.  Name three republican states in the Deep South region? Mississippi Alabama  Georgia 


today in human geography class Mr. Schick had explained why he wasn't at school yesterday.  It was so sad!! it was because he had to put his dog down. We were talking about this for most of the class, most of the girls in the class were crying. I felt so bad because I have been through the same thing twice. Not too long ago we had to put a family dog down. I was at my friends house when it happened and I felt terrible that I didn't get to say goodbye. The other time was when I was in fourth grade my dog had a stroke and we had to take him to the vet after school and put him down. My old dog was a golden retriever, and that what I have now too.


Today in human geo we had a sub. In that case we had an assignment on the computer. We had to take more notes on Globalization, and thinking globally and act locally. Geographers think about scale at many levels, from local to global. At a local scale, such as an urban neighborhood, geographers tend to see unique features. At the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns. The phrase meant that the environment was being harmed by processes like global warming that were global in scale, but it could be improved by actions, like using  less gasoline, that were local in scale. is a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope.Globalization means that the scale of the world is shrinking not in size but the ability for people to interact with others.

16 and voting

Today in human geo class we had a few different discussions. But the main one that I remember Mr.  Schick saying was that he this that when you turn sixteen you can vote. Our class had lots of different opinions on this. However, some were the same type of opinion. My opinion was one that was the same to others. Our opinion was that at the age of sixteen you are still learning about everything going on. Sixteen year olds and most other teens aren't worried about the election, and I'm nat saying thats a good thing, but its just how it is. If they did decide to vote their choice will be influenced a lot by their parents. Teens have a lot to take on, a lot of stress, and are very busy so I just don't think they would take a good look into the candidates and care enough to vote.

pop quiz

Today in Human Geo Class we had a pop quiz in the first part of class. After everyone finished the test we went on to the CIA website. We were on there for an assignment on countries and their population. We had to take the top twenty five most populated countries in the world and write them down in order. after that was completed we had to take pens, pencils, or markers and color the countries in on the map. The most populated country was China and it had over one billion people. However the least populated country was the Pitcairn Islands with a population of 54 people. Most people didn't finish. In that case we had to finish it for homework. This was fine with me because I only had to color in a few more countries.

today in human geo

Today in class we took notes and taken more about site and situation, and regions and cultural landscape. region is an area of earth defined by one or more descriptive characteristics. cultural landscape is the combination of both physical and human characteristics that uniquely define a certain area. An are